19 November 2010

Burger King meal comes with a whopper of an insult – Eatocracy - CNN.com Blogs

So let's see...
First of all, Fast Food is crappy.
Aside from the fat, salt, calories, etc., there is the meat and poultry itself, Big-Agri'ed until it no longer
resembles anything remotely resembling real food; and the smell and taste come from chemical
plants up in New Jersey.

Add to that, the off-the-wall employee, hating his job, and it makes you wonder what's
really in the food as a sauce.

All fast food sucks. Cook at home. Buy organic or at least non-gm; and try to source
your food.

If you're not sure, watch Food, Inc. ... or Super-Size Me... it's all over the shop. Do your own research.

The BigAgri corporations grow their poison foodstuffs, filled with bovine growth hormones (ah, Monsanto, the
murderous monolith of Profit-at-any-cost and Power over our very food supply.)
Then it's sent to BigFast Food places and into the 'mainstream.'
Then Big Sickness Maintenance businesses keep you just well enough to keep believing that it
must be you, rather than what you take into your body.
And finally, BigPharma gives you all the pills you need to make you not have to worry about
what it's doing to your body and your mind - except for the side effects, including Death.

BigPharma is the biggest Drug Pusher on the Planet. They give street pushers a bad name.

Know what you're eating. It's what you will become.

Burger King meal comes with a whopper of an insult – Eatocracy - CNN.com Blogs