23 December 2010

Band Aid - Do They Know its Christmas 1984

BLESSINGS. Together we can change the planet.
Stand up.
We are all one.
Peace. Somos Uno.

08 December 2010

Jackson, Miss. Public Schools Neglecting Children With Disabilities | Southern Poverty Law Center

WHY? Would be my first question.
WHY would you - as educators and nurturers - do this to the "least of these." Sounds to me
like the folks doing this kind of thing have made themselves less. Obviously no Christians
in the group of folks doing the neglecting. Nope.

Bless the SPLC!

Jackson, Miss. Public Schools Neglecting Children With Disabilities | Southern Poverty Law Center

19 November 2010

Burger King meal comes with a whopper of an insult – Eatocracy - CNN.com Blogs

So let's see...
First of all, Fast Food is crappy.
Aside from the fat, salt, calories, etc., there is the meat and poultry itself, Big-Agri'ed until it no longer
resembles anything remotely resembling real food; and the smell and taste come from chemical
plants up in New Jersey.

Add to that, the off-the-wall employee, hating his job, and it makes you wonder what's
really in the food as a sauce.

All fast food sucks. Cook at home. Buy organic or at least non-gm; and try to source
your food.

If you're not sure, watch Food, Inc. ... or Super-Size Me... it's all over the shop. Do your own research.

The BigAgri corporations grow their poison foodstuffs, filled with bovine growth hormones (ah, Monsanto, the
murderous monolith of Profit-at-any-cost and Power over our very food supply.)
Then it's sent to BigFast Food places and into the 'mainstream.'
Then Big Sickness Maintenance businesses keep you just well enough to keep believing that it
must be you, rather than what you take into your body.
And finally, BigPharma gives you all the pills you need to make you not have to worry about
what it's doing to your body and your mind - except for the side effects, including Death.

BigPharma is the biggest Drug Pusher on the Planet. They give street pushers a bad name.

Know what you're eating. It's what you will become.

Burger King meal comes with a whopper of an insult – Eatocracy - CNN.com Blogs

18 November 2010

Sharron Angle: 'Sometimes Dictators Have Good Ideas'

Can you really believe that this...this...(I cannot find the word to describe this knuckle-dragging....) believes that Pinochet was anything other that a murderer of thousands and thousands of everyday people...tortured and killed.

Add to that, the assassination of a democratically elected president (another one), Salvador Allende, with the help and approval of the C.I.A. So, what the flip is this deranged woman talking about...does she ever know what she's talking about?

Sharron Angle: 'Sometimes Dictators Have Good Ideas'

12 November 2010

Co-Chairs proposal for Medicare, (not)Social Survival Security and more.

PLEASE, please take the time to read the proposal, so you know what's in it - rather than listen to anyone else.

Many thanks and Blessings.

Stay aware.
Then get up.
We are all One.
Todos somos Uno.

06 November 2010

New York Times Columnist Peter Orszag Joins the Social Security Fearmongering Crowd | | AlterNet

This is a columnist who is either a fool or a whore for the 666 Greed Group.

Peter Orszag might be well served to speak with the Wisdom Elders - and those
about to become that (as well as those who by virtue of being disabled, etc. are
also on SURVIVAL Security). Let all of us tell you what's REALLY goin' on
about SURVIVAL Security, son.

'Cause there ain't NOTHIN' - can you hear what I saying in a clear, understandable
way? There is NOTHING "SOCIAL" about SURVIVAL Security.

Fool! Do you see any Wisdom Elders out there just partyin' hearty?!

Here's one more thing that you - and all the folks who float phony information, disinformation, misinformation; manipulated videos; front people and groups who espouse the Lie of Survival Security being
in its death throes:

Even though every administration has ILLEGALLY (and TWEAKED any and all barely legal ways) pillaged, raped and robbed the TRUST FUND to fund their covert activities, screw-ups and pursue their wet dreams of Glory, there is one GLARING fact that you all keep trying to hide.

SURVIVAL (the program formerly known as 'social') SECURITY HAS WORKED FROM THE VERY BEGINNING AND STILL - STILL - hello, now take your pill and pay attention... STILL WORKS. (and you've been trying to kill it since the very first day it began (as Rick "the Grinch Lizard" Santorum said - it won't hurt seniors to suffer a little...)

This is a good read. And: WATCH THE WORDS-SPIN ON ANY STORY about "SOCIAL" Security. The Spin is in and the Rhetoric flows like vomit out of the mouths of those old 'Romans' who kept troughs around so they could be GREEDY and SMARMY and live as We the ONLY People - and when they sucked it all in...shoving it in their distended mouths - they vomit it out so they can go get more.

Read the words of We the People: WE ARE WATCHING. WE ARE NOT GOING ANYWHERE. NO RETREAT AND NO SURRENDER. We know it not only works, but can be enhanced to include wonderful and co-creative ways of including all of We the People.

Go after Survival Security, bless your hearts - and know that we're going to talk, boys and girls.


Get up. Stand up. Together.
We are all One. Todos Somos Uno.
Now put that old Rock n Roll on and let's dance. (thanks, Bob Seeger :-)

New York Times Columnist Peter Orszag Joins the Social Security Fearmongering Crowd AlterNet

07 October 2010

Black on Beck

Have to post this. Lewis Black is one of the funniest, on-the-money comedians out there. Watch/listen to this all the way through. There's not a non-funny spot in it!!!

02 October 2010

TEDxNextGenerationAsheville - Birke Baehr - "What's Wrong With Our Food ...

It will be children like these, bless them, who will lead the adults back away from the cliff we
are all currently falling over collectively, like so many lemmings into the sea...

...And a child shall lead them. Please watch all five minutes; you'll be glad you did.

Peace. Awareness. Standing up. Together. We are all One. Somos Uno.

06 September 2010

Silenced Majority Portal: Boycott Koch Industries Products - Climate Deniers & Tea Party Backers

Need I say more??? The Kochs are the ones bankrolling the Tea Party. Products sold by these guys
are listed in this block. Please re-post as you care to - blessings!

Stand up.
We are all One.
Todos Somos Uno.

Silenced Majority Portal: Boycott Koch Industries Products - Climate Deniers & Tea Party Backers

04 September 2010

One Love | Playing For Change | Song Around the World


Look in my eyes and see you, and the God or Force of your own Understanding.
Then we shall not be able to kill or hurt one another.

Stand up.
Be Aware.
Reach out................ my hand is outstretched as well.

We are all One. Todos Somos Uno. What a lovely song we can sing

(oh and oh man, my man, Keb Mo' is in this!)

04 August 2010

Fossil Fuel Subsidies Are 12 Times Support for Renewables, Study Shows - Bloomberg

12 times!

Wow. But wait! They do have to have enough revenue to shove money down the pants of all the governmental/congressional/Republican and some democrats who are all, once again, down on their knees, waiting patiently for their corporate masters from The 666 Greed Group to give them their orders - and then begin shoving....

Flippin' A disgusting...

Fossil Fuel Subsidies Are 12 Times Support for Renewables, Study Shows - Bloomberg

The Monkey Cage: How Conservative Is Corporate America?

This is a great chart that shows you how conservative some of the biggest corporations really are:

Massey Energy, one of the Profit-over-We the People members of The 666 Greed Group (corporate/Banking/Media/Power Elite), along with Exxon-Mobil (nothing needs to be added to their name; we all know what that entity is about); and TARGET - yes Target.

We know the two former names are smarmy. Target, however, has already been giving nice, tidy sums of money to their 'targeted' congressional and congressional sycophants of the 666 Greed Group, so when they're elected/re-elected, they can continue to live their lives on their knees, lapping up the sweet honey/money as they do the bidding of those entities, rather than We the People.

The Monkey Cage: How Conservative Is Corporate America?

Peace. Stand up. Together.
Somos Uno.

23 July 2010

Daily Kos: Tom "I Heart Monsanto" Vilsack, This One's For You

In light of Mr. Vilsack's actions of recent days, I think this might be an oldie but
goodie to revisit.

Google Vilsack and Monsanto in the same search window and see what comes up.

Daily Kos: Tom "I Heart Monsanto" Vilsack, This One's For You

13 July 2010

Meet the Food Industry Front Groups That Push for Carcinogens in Your Food | Food | AlterNet

You might remember the California Farm Bureau from the movie Food, Inc., in which they were caught on film arguing that foods containing clones should not be labeled. Or perhaps you've heard of the California Strawberry Commission's pet cause du jour: legalizing the pesticide methyl iodide, a carcinogen so potent it is used to induce cancer in the lab. In other words, this is not the bunch that government regulators and health professionals should turn to for unbiased, factual information about the danger of pesticide residues on fruits and vegetables.
Meet the Food Industry Front Groups That Push for Carcinogens in Your Food | Food | AlterNet

12 July 2010

Glenn Beck's Disturbing Plans to Co-opt MLK's 'I Have a Dream' Speech | | AlterNet

'it's worth emphasizing just how grotesque is Beck's attempt to co-opt a landmark anniversary of the civil rights movement. Beck has been anything but shy about his intentions. On May 26, he told his radio audience, "We will reclaim the civil rights moment. We are on the right side of history."
This from a man who once called Jesse Jackson "the stinking king of the race lords."
Had Beck been a public figure at the time of King's famous speech, there is little doubt on "which side of history" he would have stood: the same side as every other far-rightwing Mormon. Had they been contemporaries, Beck would have condemned King as a "progressive cockroach" surrounded by communists, or as an outright communist himself. We know this not only because he has imported such tactics into the present. We know this because his Mormon heroes were viciously anti-civil rights in the 1950s and 1960s.
Beck has repeatedly, respectfully, and recently played audio of men like Ezra Taft Benson, a Mormon apostle who thought the civil rights movement was a dastardly communist plot. Benson also wrote the foreward to a book of race hate whose cover illustration featured the severed, bloody head of an African American.,

Glenn Beck's Disturbing Plans to Co-opt MLK's 'I Have a Dream' Speech | | AlterNet

Just when you think you've heard the ultimate foolishness to come out of this huckster, side-show freak's 7-sided mouth, along comes this.

25 June 2010

Joe Conason: Save the Trees, Save the Planet - Truthdig

This would seem a no-brainer, wouldn't you think...? (operative word in the aforementioned: think.)


DAR ES SALAAM, Tanzania—What would the wealthy nations of the West (and their rising rivals in the East) do if they actually wanted to prevent catastrophic warming? Here in Africa, the obvious answer is that they would find the ways and means to discourage deforestation—the ruinous practice of clear-cutting for timber, charcoal and arable land that accounts for at least 20 percent of the atmospheric carbon burden. Save the trees, and you might just save the planet.

In theory, this ought to be a simple enough task to accomplish, with sufficient motivation and money. But in practice, the incentives created by Western policy are so perverse, according to Tanzania President Jakaya Kikwete, that they reward clear-cutting not once but twice over. So he told Bill Clinton, who is visiting Africa this week to oversee the Clinton Foundation’s work on health care and renewable energy.

As Kikwete explained the problem, it has become possible to open forests to loggers for profit and then receive carbon-credit subsidies as a reward for replanting the raped forest. Stupid is too kind a word for this.

The Tanzanian leader expressed frustration, too, with the imperial style that persists in Western efforts to preserve forestland. The agencies that certify projects for carbon credit are overwhelmingly foreign, with personnel parachuted in to perform inspections. While it is essential to verify every carbon credit, the parachute inspection is not, as they say, a sustainable model.

Joe Conason: Save the Trees, Save the Planet - Truthdig

Truthdig - The Questions Education Reformers Aren’t Asking

This is an excellent article, and it'd be great to have a real dialogue/conversation about Education K-12 and see What Is
And What We the People can Imagine and Co-Create.
Peace.  Here's a snippet:
...I’m troubled by two more issues related to the magic-bullet discourse here. First, many who champion TFA seem to affirm an idiosyncratic model of professional development: that these young people’s elite undergraduate educations and their energy trump extended training and experience. There is no other kind of work, from styling hair to surgery to the pro football defensive backfield, where experience is so discounted. No TFA booster, I’d wager, would choose a med student fresh out of a cardiology rotation over a cardiologist who had been in practice for 15 years.
I also want to consider the assumptions about knowledge and teaching here—or more precisely the use of the status of one’s undergraduate institution as a proxy for being able to teach what one knows. Knowing history or chemistry or literature is essential to teach these subjects, but—again this is common sense—knowing something does not mean you are able to teach it, as countless undergraduates who have sat through bad lectures can verify.
Let’s consider this elite-school proxy for pedagogical expertise from one more perspective. I went through two books that profile first-rate teaching: my “Possible Lives” and Karin Chenoweth’s new “How It’s Being Done.” I also looked at the Council of Chief State School Officers’ National Teacher of the Year program. Only a handful of these top-flight teachers got their bachelor’s degrees from institutions typically defined as elite. A number hail from state universities. And a considerable number come from small local colleges with teacher education programs. Expertise in teaching is more than a function of one’s undergraduate pedigree.
What miracle talk and magic-bullet solutions share is the reduction of complexity, of the many levels of hard, creative work necessary to make schooling successful in the United States....

24 June 2010

Pelosi: 'What did middle-class families ever do to Republicans in the Senate?' - TheHill.com


Are YOU unemployed?

If you are, then I suggest you go to your representatives' and senators' websites and find out how they voted

on Extending Unemployment Benefits for the Everyday We the People (that's us, remember?)

If HE/SHE voted AGAINST EXTENDING YOUR BENEFITS (whilst they continue to function just a-okay)

YOU get to vote them out of office in November, or their next election cycle.

"Brother, he couldn't spare a dime..."

P.S. If your memory is shorter than some, write it down and post it on the fridge...or whatever place you always
know you're going to look...the mirror? :-)

Pelosi: 'What did middle-class families ever do to Republicans in the Senate?' - TheHill.com

Blessings & Belly Laughs...and standing up.together.we are ALL ONE. Somos Uno.

18 June 2010

Facebook | Videos from We love Iran(1): History Between The USA and Iran

This is an historically factual video
Well-done by a young woman

And it continues a mention about the History of BP as well.

Truth is Power.
Somos Uno.

Facebook | Videos from We love Iran(1): History Between The USA and Iran

08 June 2010

Chris Hedges: The Christian Fascists Are Growing Stronger - Chris Hedges' Columns - Truthdig

A Madrassa by any other name is still the same thing: A place where children and folks are indoctrinated to serve an Agenda of Control and Exclusion...

where any other information or free thought is spun with lies, misinformation; disinformation; and constant hammering away at the "Rightness" of the cause.

The U.S.A. is NOT a Theocracy.

When it becomes one...The U.S.A. as a noble experiment will have died.

We are all One.
Stand up. Together.
Somos Uno.

Chris Hedges: The Christian Fascists Are Growing Stronger - Chris Hedges' Columns - Truthdig

07 June 2010

YouTube - Toxic Sludge is Good For You

How Toxic Sludge became Bio-solids; got put into the dictionary - and is now "good for you."

PR/Advertising/Propaganda - all synonyms, one for the other...and lovely & effective tools of The 666 Greed Group.

YouTube - Toxic Sludge is Good For You

Kill a Turk and Rest...Mata a un turco y descansa

Kill a Turk and Rest...

was the article I received in my email, as I subscribe to Tikkun's email mailings. This is a powerful article (as are many), and so I wrote to Rabbi Lerner asking if Tikkun had any place I could go to get the Spanish translation. Knowing he is such a busy soul, and knowing that, although my degree work is primarily in Spanish, but not yet fluent enough to do a long piece like this, my beautiful spiritbrother, Victor Lopez Rossi, enlisted the aid of two other beautiful souls, Carlos and Caty, and here is the Spanish translation.

Please, if you find it worthwhile and can share it with your friends, then we shall have spread the word even farther around the circle of Oneness.

Thank you. Blessings & Belly Laughs.
We are all One. Somos Uno.
And standing up together.

Mata a un turco y descansa. Extraordinario artículo de Uri Avnery.

El autor de este artículo, Uri Avnery, poco después de publicarlo, fue atacado cobardamente por derechistas israelíes durante protestas masivas contra el ataque a la Flotilla de la Libertad en Tel Aviv, el 5 de Junio 2010. Avnery es un periodista, escritor y activista por la Paz judío de 86 años y en su artículo muestra de manera magistral, la absoluta estupidez de este acto criminal del gobierno sionista de Israel. 07-06-2010 Mata a un turco y descansa Uri AvneryGush-Shalom Traducido del inglés por Carlos Sanchis y revisado por Caty R. En alta mar, fuera de las aguas territoriales, el buque fue detenido por la armada. Los comandos lo asaltaron. Cientos de personas en cubierta resistieron a la fuerza de los soldados. A algunos pasajeros los mataron y decenas de ellos resultaron heridos. El buque fue llevado a puerto y los pasajeros desembarcados a la fuerza. El mundo los vio andando por el muelle, hombres y mujeres, jóvenes y viejos, todos ellos cansados, unos tras otros, todos marchando entre dos soldados… El buque se llamaba “Éxodo 1947”. Salió de Francia con la esperanza de romper el bloqueo británico impuesto para impedir que barcos cargados con supervivientes del Holocausto llegaran a las costas de Palestina. Si se les hubiera permitido alcanzar el país, los inmigrantes ilegales habrían llegado a tierra y los británicos los habrían enviado a campos de detención en Chipre, como habían hecho antes. Nadie habría hecho caso del episodio durante más de dos días. Pero la persona al cargo era Ernest Bevin, un líder del Partido Laborista, un ministro británico arrogante, rudo y amante del poder. No estaba dispuesto a que un puñado de judíos le dictara. Decidió darles una lección y que el mundo entero fuera testigo. “¡Esto es una provocación!”, exclamó, y por supuesto estaba en lo cierto. El objetivo principal, en efecto, era hacer una provocación para atraer los ojos del mundo al bloqueo británico. Lo que siguió es bien conocido: el episodio se arrastró sin parar, una estupidez llevó a la otra, el mundo entero simpatizó con los pasajeros. Pero los británicos no cedieron y pagaron el precio. Un precio muy alto. Muchos piensan que el incidente del “Éxodo” fue el punto de inflexión en la lucha para la creación del Estado de Israel. Gran Bretaña sucumbió bajo el peso de la condena internacional y decidió entregar su mandato sobre Palestina. Hubo, por supuesto, muchas otras razones de peso para esta decisión, pero el “Éxodo” resultó la gota que colmó el vaso. No soy el único que se ha acordado de aquel episodio esta semana. En realidad fue casi imposible no acordarse de él, especialmente para aquellos de nosotros que vivíamos en Palestina en aquel tiempo y fuimos testigos del mismo. Por supuesto hay importantes diferencias. Entonces los pasajeros eran supervivientes del Holocausto, esta vez eran activistas de la paz de todo el mundo. Pero entonces y ahora el mundo ha visto soldados armados atacando brutalmente a pasajeros desarmados que resistieron con todo lo que tenían a mano, palos y las manos desnudas. Entonces y ahora ha ocurrido en alta mar; a 40 kilómetros de la costa entonces, ahora a 65 kilómetros. En retrospectiva, la conducta británica a lo largo del asunto parece increíblemente estúpida. Pero Bevin no era tonto, y los oficiales británicos que comandaron la acción no eran bobos. Después de todo acababan de finalizar una guerra mundial en el bando vencedor. Si se comportaron con total necedad de principio a fin, fue el resultado de la arrogancia, la insensibilidad y su infinito desprecio por la opinión pública mundial. Ehud Barak es el Bevin israelí. No es un tonto, ni tampoco lo son los jefazos. Pero son responsables de una cadena de actos de estupidez cuyas desastrosas implicaciones son difíciles de cuantificar. El ex ministro y actual comentarista Yossi Sarid, llamó al “comité ministerial de los siete” que decide en asuntos de seguridad “siete idiotas”; Me veo obligado a protestar. Es un insulto a los idiotas. Los preparativos de la flotilla han durado más de un año. Cientos de mensajes por correo electrónico fueron y vinieron continuamente. Yo mismo recibí varias docenas. No era ningún secreto. Todo se hizo abiertamente. Hubo mucho tiempo para que todas nuestras instituciones políticas y militares se prepararan para la llegada de los buques. Para consultar a los políticos, entrenar a los soldados e informar a los diplomáticos. Para que el personal de inteligencia hiciera su trabajo. Nada ayudó. Todas las decisiones fueron erróneas desde el primer momento hasta ahora, Y aún no han acabado. La idea de una flotilla como medio para romper el bloqueo roza la genialidad. Pone al gobierno de Israel en un dilema; tiene que elegir entre varias alternativas, todas malas. Cualquier general sueña con poner a su enemigo en una situación semejante. Las alternativas eran: a) Permitir a la flotilla que llegase a Gaza sin obstáculos. El secretario del gabinete apoyó esta opción. Esto habría llevado al fin del bloqueo, porque tras esta flotilla habrían llegado más y más grandes. b) Parar los barcos en aguas territoriales, inspeccionar su carga, asegurarse de que no transportaban armas o “terroristas” y después dejarles continuar su viaje. Esto hubiera suscitado algunas vagas protestas en el mundo pero manteniendo el principio del bloqueo. c) Capturarlos en alta mar y llevarlos a Ashdod, arriesgandóse a una batalla cuerpo a cuerpo con los activistas a bordo. Como siempre han hecho nuestros Gobiernos cuando se enfrentan a la elección entre varias alternativas malas, el gobierno de Netanyahu eligió la peor. Cualquiera que siguiera los preparativos como informaban los medios de comunicación habría previsto que esa elección causaría muertos y heridos. Nadie ataca a un buque turco y espera que lindas niñas les regalen flores. Los turcos no tienen fama de ser gente que se rinda fácilmente. Las órdenes que se dieron a las tropas y se han hecho públicas incluían las tres palabras fatídicas “a cualquier precio”. Cualquier soldado sabe qué significan esas tres terrible palabras. Además, en la lista de los objetivos, la consideración por los pasajeros sólo aparecía en tercer lugar, tras la salvaguardia de la seguridad de los soldados y el cumplimiento de la tarea. Si Benjamín Netanyahu, Ehud Barak, el Jefe de Estado Mayor y el comandante de la armada no entendieron que el asalto conduciría a la muerte y heridas de personas, entonces debemos llegar a la conclusión –incluso aquellos que se resistían a reconocerlo hasta ahora- de que son burdamente incompetentes. Hay que informarles, con las palabras inmortales de Oliver Cronwell al Parlamento: “lleváis sentados demasiado tiempo para el bien que hacéis últimamente… Marchaos, os digo, y dejadnos que lo hagamos por vosotros. Por Dios, ¡marchaos ya!” Este hecho apunta nuevamente a uno de los aspectos más serios de la situación. Vivimos en una burbuja, en una especie de gueto mental que nos aisla y nos impide ver otra realidad, la que percibe el resto del mundo. Un psiquiatra podría juzgar esto como el síntoma de un grave problema mental. La propaganda del Gobierno y el ejército cuenta una historia simple: nuestros heroicos soldados, decididos y sensibles, lo mejor de lo mejor, descendieron al barco para “hablar” y fueron atacados por una muchedumbre violenta y salvaje. El portavoz oficial repitió una y otra vez la palabra “linchamiento”. El primer día casi todos los medios de comunicación israelíes aceptaron esto. Después de todo está claro que nosotros, los judíos, somos las víctimas. Siempre. Esto también se aplica a los soldados judíos. En realidad atacamos a un barco extranjero en la mar, pero nos convertimos al mismo tiempo en víctimas que no tuvieron otra elección que defenderse contra los violentos e incitados antisemitas. Es imposible no acordarse del clásico chiste judío sobre la madre judía en Rusia despidiendo a su hijo al que habían llamado para servir al Zar en la guerra contra Turquía. “No te esfuerces demasiado” le imploraba, “mata a un turco y descansa. Mata a otro turco y descansa de nuevo…” “Pero madre,” le interrumpió el hijo, “¿y si el turco me mata a mi?” “¿A ti?” exclama la madre, “¿pero por qué? ¿Que le has hecho tú a él?” Para cualquier persona normal, esto debe parecer de locos. Soldados fuertemente armados de una unidad de comandos de élite abordan un barco en alta mar, en medio de la noche, desde el mar y desde el aire y ¿son las víctimas? Pero algo de verdad hay: son víctimas de la arrogancia y de la incompetencia de sus mandos, de políticos irresponsables y de los medios de comunicación a los que alimentan. Y en realidad de la opinión pública israelí, puesto que la mayoría de la gente votó por este Gobierno o por la oposición, que no es diferente. El asunto del “Éxodo” se ha repetido pero con un cambio de papeles. Ahora nosotros somos los británicos. En algún lugar, un nuevo León Uris está planeando escribir su próximo libro, “Éxodo 2010”. Un nuevo Otto Preminger está planeando una película que se convertirá en un gran éxito. Un nuevo Paul Newman la protagonizará; después de todo no hay escasez de actores turcos con talento. Hace más de doscientos años, Thomas Jefferson declaró que toda nación debe actuar con un “respeto decente por las opiniones de la humanidad”. Los líderes israelíes nunca han aceptado la sabiduría de esta máxima. Se adhieren al dictamen de David Ben Gurión: “No es importante lo que dicen los gentiles, sino lo que hacen los judíos”. Quizás suponía que los judíos no actuarían neciamente. Convertirnos en enemigos de los turcos es más que una tontería. Durante decenios Turquía ha sido nuestro mejor aliado en la región, mucho más cercano de lo que se sabe en general. Turquía podría jugar en el futuro un importante papel como mediador entre Israel y el mundo árabe-musulmán, entre Israel y Siria y, sí, incluso entre Israel e Irán. Quizás ahora hemos conseguido unir al pueblo turco contra nosotros; y algunos dicen que ése es el único asunto en el que ahora están unidos los turcos. Éste es el segundo capítulo de la operación “Plomo Fundido”. Entonces levantamos contra nosotros a la mayoría de los países del mundo, conmocionamos a nuestros escasos amigos y alegramos a nuestros enemigos. Ahora lo hemos vuelto a hacer y quizás con más éxito. La opinión pública mundial se está volviendo contra nosotros. Es un proceso lento. Se parece a la acumulación de agua en una presa. El agua sube lenta, tranquilamente, y el cambio apenas es perceptible. Pero cuando alcanza un nivel crítico la presa revienta y el desastre está sobre nosotros. Nos acercamos sin pausa a ese punto. “Mata a un turco y descansa,” dice la madre del chiste. Nuestro gobierno nunca descansa. Parece que no va a parar hasta que haya convertido en enemigo al último de nuestros amigos. (Partes de este artículo se publicaron en Ma’ariv, el segundo periódico de mayor tirada de Israel.)Fuente: http://zope.gush-shalom.org/:80/home/en/channels/avnery/1275739480/

Nancy Seymour ¡Mil gracias a Carlos y Caty! Besos y Fuerte abrazos y solidaridad siempre. Somos Uno! ♥

06 June 2010

Jim Wallis: A Time for Moral Reckoning

Please read this blogpost by Reverend Wallis...bless him.

It's not just that BP has lied, even though they have -- over and over -- to cover up their behavior and avoid their obligations. It is that BP is a lie; what it stands for is a lie. It is a lie that we can continue to live this way, a lie that our style of life is stable and sustainable, a lie that these huge oil companies are really committed to a safe and renewable energy future. BP should indeed be made to pay for this crime against the creation -- likely with its very existence.

But I am also reminded of what G.K. Chesterton once said when asked what was most wrong with the world. He reportedly replied, "I am." Already, we are hearing some deeper reflection on themeaning of this daily disaster. Almost everyone now apparently agrees with the new direction of a "clean energy economy." And we know that will require a re-wiring of the energy grid (which many hope BP will have no part in). But it will also require a re-wiring of ourselves -- our demands, requirements, and insatiable desires. Our oil addiction has led us to environmental destruction, endless wars, and the sacrifice of young lives, and it has put our very souls in jeopardy. New York Times columnist Tom Freidman recently wondered about the deeper meaning of the Great Recession when he asked, "What if it's telling us that the whole growth model we created over the last fifty years is simply unsustainable economically and ecologically and that 2008 was when we hit the wall -- when Mother Nature and the market both said, 'No More.'" The Great Spill makes the point even more.

Jim Wallis: A Time for Moral Reckoning

04 June 2010

CNN Political Ticker: All politics, all the time Blog Archive - TRENDING: Boehner wants apology from McCartney � - Blogs from CNN.com

John Boehner is a whining, silly, tool of The 666 Greed Group, and a hapless haranguer of all things Obama.

What Sir Paul McCartney voices as his opinion is his own - why should he apologize for that?

Perhaps Mr. Boehner could elevate himself a bit by taking some lessons from a man with REAL talent and a lot more class.

CNN Political Ticker: All politics, all the time Blog Archive - TRENDING: Boehner wants apology from McCartney � - Blogs from CNN.com

Blockade of Monsanto in the Netherlands

"The chemical company Monsanto has 23% of the worldwide market of commercial seeds in its hands. In the last 5 years, the company has bought up three large internationally active seed companies in the Netherlands: De Ruiter Seeds, Western Seeds, and Seminis. As a result, Monsanto now dominates the world market for vegetable seeds and seedlings. In addition, Monsanto is the market leader in genetically engineered soy, corn, sugar beets, and cotton, and has a large market share in pesticide sales. "Farmers and vegetable growers are becoming increasingly dependent on these big seed companies and patented seeds will make the situation even worse," says Flip Vonk, an organic farm employee present at the action."
We the People of the Planet can stop this Monster Monolith Member of The 666 Greed Group, which has the mantra of PROFIT-AT-ANY-COST...including our lives and livelihoods (just look at the gulf of Mexico.)

Fairplay to the folks in the Netherlands and MAY IT SPREAD - THE AWARENESS AND THE ACTIVISM!

Blockade of Monsanto in the Netherlands

03 June 2010

BP And Halliburton Try To Buy Off Government Officials

I think, perhaps, that "try" is a word too little and too late. They've been doing it for quite a while, along with Dickie Cheney, their leader.

Corporate Criminals.

BP And Halliburton Try To Buy Off Government Officials

Caught in the oil - The Big Picture - Boston.com

These pictures are almost to difficult to look at...

Livelihoods lost...people getting sick...who knows what's up ahead, near-term and far-term.

Oh, but Bobby Jindall and the others want to "Drill Baby Drill" (where are their loud, strident voices these days?) - Bobby says it means that people will be thrown out of work if there are not more wells drilled. Bobby? Did you mean BP? Exxon Mobil? The folks who will help you get elected next time? Give me a break.

Caught in the oil - The Big Picture - Boston.com

02 June 2010

Amy Goodman: In Memory of All That Is Lost - Truthdig

'I traveled across the bayous and towns of coastal Louisiana for four days, meeting the people on the front lines of the onrush of BP’s oil slick. They are angry, out of work and read the papers about people getting sick.

One person, whose job remains intact—at least so far—is BP’s CEO, Tony Hayward. Hayward, who was paid more than $4.5 million in 2009, lamented Sunday: “There’s no one who wants this thing over more than I do. You know, I’d like my life back.” Hayward becomes more vilified with almost each of his utterances, which are clearly aimed at minimizing the perceived impact of the BP disaster.'

Amy Goodman: In Memory of All That Is Lost - Truthdig

Robert Scheer: Treat Palestinians Like Jews - Robert Scheer's Columns - Truthdig

Worthwhile read.

Live your Peace. Somos Uno.

Robert Scheer: Treat Palestinians Like Jews - Robert Scheer's Columns - Truthdig

Irish activist arrives home after being deported from Israel - The Irish Times - Wed, Jun 02, 2010

Irish activist arrives home after being deported from Israel - The Irish Times - Wed, Jun 02, 2010

Activists on 'Rachel Corrie' undeterred by Israeli action - The Irish Times - Wed, Jun 02, 2010

An update...


Activists on 'Rachel Corrie' undeterred by Israeli action - The Irish Times - Wed, Jun 02, 2010

YouTube - Israeli's attack humanitarian aid ship....Please stop this maddness

Oh my dear God, when you hear the child voice of Rachel Corrie at the beginning of this powerful video...

It is time to Live your Peace.
Be more than Words.

Blessed are the PeaceMAKERS for THEY shall be called the Children of God.

It's time...

YouTube - Israeli's attack humanitarian aid ship....Please stop this maddness

YouTube - John Legend - If your out there

Here are the Lyrics...

Stand up.
Together. We are all One.
Somos Uno.

YouTube - John Legend - If your out there

YouTube - John Legend Performs If You're Out There on CNN's Heroes

Another one of my favourites - and this song says it all:


It's time.
Stand up.
We are all One. Somos Uno.

YouTube - John Legend Performs If You're Out There on CNN's Heroes

Federal Reserve Adopts Megabanks' Arguments, Warns Against Added Protections For Small Business Credit Card Users

These guys are smoking the same crack pipe & eating the same GM pork rinds as that GOP fool running for office in Oregon (I'll post it in a minute, it's unreal - just like this!)

Is there ANYONE who is one of We the People (smarmily called "Main Street") who BELIEVES THIS???

Geez. What a huge smelly pile of PADOODAH POOP!!!
Federal Reserve Adopts Megabanks' Arguments, Warns Against Added Protections For Small Business Credit Card Users

01 June 2010

YouTube - Kris Kristofferson - They Killed Him

If you truly believe in something and it inherent value to humanity and the planet, then you know the possible cost of standing up...

These folks did. Blessings Kris.

YouTube - Kris Kristofferson - They Killed Him

31 May 2010

Protests held in Ireland over Israeli attack - The Irish Times - Mon, May 31, 2010

I'm so proud of my Irish compatriots!!! Fairplay to you!

About 1,700 people have attended a demonstration in Dublin this evening against the Israeli attack on an aid ship bound for Gaza.

Earlier today, Taoiseach Brian Cowen called for an international inquiry into the attack which left 10 pro-Palestinian activists dead.

Mr Cowen said he believed Israel’s blockade of humanitarian assistance to Gaza was illegal under international law.

“Whilst the Israeli government has withdrawn from Gaza, they remain a de facto occupying force since they decide what gets into Gaza and who gets out of it,” he said.

“The cause of this problem relates directly to the fact that there is a humanitarian blockade. I believe that is in violation of international law. People are entitled to have humanitarian assistance."

Protests held in Ireland over Israeli attack - The Irish Times - Mon, May 31, 2010

The Rachel Corrie is on her way to Gaza!

Sailing from the Irish Republic, along with Malaysians - with full support of their people and government - they are headed to Gaza on the "Rachel Corrie."

God bless you and keep you all safe!

YouTube - Pink Floyd - Another Brick in the Wall

Are you...just...?

YouTube - Pink Floyd - Another Brick in the Wall

YouTube - Gimmie Shelter - 25th Anniversary The Rock & Roll Hall Of Fame Concert [HQ]

It's not 'Gimme Shelter' but 'Just a Shot away' - but it's for sure Rock n Roll! And it's hot.

Mick Jagger, U2, and Fergie. It rocks!

YouTube - Gimmie Shelter - 25th Anniversary The Rock & Roll Hall Of Fame Concert [HQ]

The Truth About Republicans by..George Carlin

God rest his soul, George was not just funny...he told the truth.

Tutu condemns Israel aid-boat attack - Times LIVE

The Elders are condemning the Israeli attack.

Tutu condemns Israel aid-boat attack - Times LIVE

AMERICAN MASTERS | Pete Seeger: The Power of Song | PBS

God bless you, Pete Seeger!

On this Memorial Day, let us remember the sacrifices made by all those who put themselves in harm's way for us...and also the reasons the Warmongers wage permawar. Blessings.

Open Left:: No Rand, you WOULDN'T have marched with Martin Luther King

Open Left:: No Rand, you WOULDN'T have marched with Martin Luther King

21 May 2010

BP Legal Case for Oil Spill: Cousins Randall Luthi and Jeffery Luthi at Crossroads of Litigation Decision - The Daily Beast

Randall Luthi is the former director of the agency that regulated BP and its Deepwater Horizon floating platform, and Jeffery Luthi, his cousin, is the clerk of the judicial panel that will render a crucial decision about where the lawsuits, which could total billions of dollars, will be tried. Both Luthis are both from Freedom, Wyoming, a town with just 135 residents.

The battle over where the cases against BP, Transocean, Halliburton, and other defendants will be tried has significant impact over how the cases will proceed and their final outcomes.

Consolidating all the lawsuits into a federal court in Houston would give BP a huge home field advantage.

BP wants them all moved to Houston, Texas. Its attorneys are arguing that BP Exploration and Production, Inc. and the other defendants maintain their principal places of business and their key documents and witnesses within the Houston area, according to court documents: “Transfer and consolidation of this litigation in the Southern District of Texas, Houston Division, would greatly promote the just and expeditious resolution of these actions.”


BP Legal Case for Oil Spill: Cousins Randall Luthi and Jeffery Luthi at Crossroads of Litigation Decision - The Daily Beast

17 May 2010

John Pilger - Obama and Empire

John Pilger, in my opinion, is one of the best at speaking truth...
What is...
and the optimism with which we can view
the 500 year old events

that are now about to cause the Paradigm Shift
to a better, more inclusive way of Being and Doing.

Rock on, John. Blessings!

12 May 2010

Decision Forces Filmmaker to Turn Over 600 Hours of Footage to Chevron � Moving Train Media

Judge Lewis A. Kaplan of the Federal District Court in New York granted Chevron’s request for a subpoena, which demands access to over 600 hours of footage from “Crude,” a documentary that chronicles a legal battle being supported by 30,000 Amazonian settlers hoping to hold Texaco (now owned by Chevron) responsible for environmental devastation in Ecuador.

Joseph Berlinger, the filmmaker behind “Crude,” claimed he was protected by “journalistic privilege,” but, according to the New York Times, he qualified for the privilege but “the conditions for overcoming that privilege had been met” by Chevron.

Berlinger plans to ask the judge to “stay the subpoena” so the decision can be appealed.

Many in the documentary filmmaking community have indicated that they will support Berlinger’s effort to appeal and resist this decision. Filmmakers understand what this decision could mean for the future of documentary filmmaking.


CHEVRON - one more Oil Corporation in control of - and devastating whole swaths of humanity and planet with every mile. You can see more about it at http:www.linktv.org or http://democracynow.org; or in many other articles. Just the pictures of Chevron's actions show their attitude in sharp relief.


Decision Forces Filmmaker to Turn Over 600 Hours of Footage to Chevron � Moving Train Media

Rustbelt Rage

Jan. 21, 2010, will go down as a dark day in the history of U.S. democracy, and its decline.

On that day the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that the government may not ban corporations from political spending on elections—a decision that profoundly affects government policy, both domestic and international.

The decision heralds even further corporate takeover of the U.S. political system.


A well-done article, as always, from Professor Chomsky.


Rustbelt Rage

11 May 2010

Decision Forces Filmmaker to Turn Over 600 Hours of Footage to Chevron � Moving Train Media

Chevron doesn't want you to see the Truth of what they're doing there! What you can't see, you can't know, right? Wrong!!!

Do Corporations control EVERYTHING??? Especially the TRUTH!!??

If you let them.

Decision Forces Filmmaker to Turn Over 600 Hours of Footage to Chevron � Moving Train Media

Cost of Doing Business: BP’s $730 million in fines/settlements 2 criminal convictions � Citizen Energy

A/ It's easier and cheaper to pay the fines than do it right (read: it works for All Living Things, and there's still plenty of profit left over, don't worry.)

B/ Insist that the fines and ongoing cleanup and monitoring for at least one decade after the crime of polluting the planet are high enough and concrete enough that it no longer serves any entity, person, or group (corporations fall under: entity, not 'people') to not do it right for All Living Things in the first place.

This, indeed, is a no-brainer.

Cost of Doing Business: BP’s $730 million in fines/settlements 2 criminal convictions � Citizen Energy

03 May 2010

To those who defend the Tea People and the Haters

Obviously these folks can't be Christians or some other peaceful religion (which is what all mainstream religions purport to be...)
This is from a friend of mine on Facebook. 
'They had ugly photos of Obama as Hitler, a socialist, etc. and a HUGE sign condemning all Mexicans as criminals and telling them to get the hell out of this country. Luckily, the police cordoned them off and were standing between them and us as we filled the street in front of Fed. Bldg.There were around 2,000-3,000 of us. Of course, the paper and tv stations downplayed the numbers to "hundreds."'

01 May 2010

Arizona Teachers Must Not Have Accent If They Want to Teach English Learners

So, does this mean ANYONE with an accent?

Or just those from south of the U.S. Border?

Why stop at just teachers?

What about politicians with any kind of accent?

What about doctors with any kind of accent?

How about you can't vote if you have an accent?

And NO Republicans in Florida can vote if they have an accent...

or in New York

or California...

These people are living in a Time Warp. Disgusting.

Arizona Teachers Must Not Have Accent If They Want to Teach English Learners

Corporations Getting Ready to Gobble Public Water Systems � SpeakEasy

6 Mega Banks
6 Mega Media Conglomerates
6 Mega Corporations who control what you eat and drink and how
666.....now what does that make you think of , should you be someone who believes that the number means something...?

For you tea folks...there's where to focus...think.

Monsanto and their buddies are about to have patents on all manner of your seeds/food.

But when they control your water... We the People are screwed.

Do something.
Get your fat butt up off the couch.
Turn off the TV.
And remember.
We the People are One. Let's act like it.

Corporations Getting Ready to Gobble Public Water Systems � SpeakEasy
From Bill Maher:

" Every asshole who ever chanted 'Drill baby drill' should have to report to the Gulf coast today for cleanup duty."

8 Words That Could Save Our Country | | AlterNet

"Corporations are not people. Money is not speech."

These are fundamental truths that our nation needs to remember -- and add to the Constitution.

Get up.
Stand up.
Together. We are all One. Let's get going.

This, folks, is not a Reality Show.
This is Life.

Shut off the TV and let's show them that
We the People know what's really going on

And we've had enough.


8 Words That Could Save Our Country | | AlterNet

American Meat Is Even Grosser Than You Thought | | AlterNet

And still...wild horses are being slaughtered to make more room for
even more cattle to graze more land, make more poop, run-off, and
impact our environment in a negative way.

Wonder what it takes...?

American Meat Is Even Grosser Than You Thought | | AlterNet

14 April 2010

Nonsanto: A Month Without Monsanto

Can you go just One Month without the Monster Monolith Monsanto? Hmmm....

Not as easy as you might think. But, I think we can - let's try! Blessings.

Nonsanto: A Month Without Monsanto

Zinn Education Project - Teaching Outside the Textbook Stories

This is an excellent opportunity - and the website looks full of great info - take a look!

Zinn Education Project - Teaching Outside the Textbook Stories

21 March 2010

Documenting Teabagger Racism :: racismreview.com

If you don’t have speakers, don’t worry – you can still watch the video. The audio is just background music only on this one, playing over sign after sign of racism, Islamaphobia, and the occasional sexism. As I’ve written here before, I don’t believe that all opposition to Obama is fueld by racism (I have my own disagreements with his policies), but this “movement” certainly is. The other point to keep in mind about the “Teabag Party” is that it is largely an astroturf – fake grassroots – movement originated by powerful, right-wing lobbyists such as Dick Armey. This cynical strategy of the “Teabag Party” is one that trades on the racism and fear of people in order to advance a republican agenda.

Documenting Teabagger Racism :: racismreview.com

Irish-Americans, Racism, and the Pursuit of Whiteness

Anyone and any group can be demonized, demeaned, made less-than-human in order to control and/conquer. The history of the British Power Over, with the Irish, is replete with cartoon characterizations that demeaned them and made them less - it was then easier to "sell" the Lie.

Sure, may we never forget when we are done unto, that we not turn around and do that very thing to others.

Peace. Stand up - together.

Irish-Americans, Racism, and the Pursuit of Whiteness :: racismreview.com

19 March 2010

Shepard Smith Calls Out "More and More Frightening" Fox E-mailers

Does Murdoch the Manipulator Australian still allow Shephard to be on Fox Faux News?

Or is he a 'token'....?

02 March 2010

A Revolution is Just Below the Surface, Noam Chomsky interviewed by Eva Golinger

Noam Chomsky is a brilliant man...marginalized by the mainstream manipulated media because he has such insight and wisdom - and
isn't afraid to speak the truth. Bless him.

A Revolution is Just Below the Surface, Noam Chomsky interviewed by Eva Golinger

27 February 2010

98 Organizations Oppose Obama's Monsanto Man, Islam Siddiqui, for US Agricultural Trade Representative

ANOTHER Monster Monolith Monsanto Man set to "represent" the government of We the People????

Let's get real, folks! During the last few administrations, Monsanto people (can you say "Donald Rumsfeld?") have literally invaded, like so many killer ants, all of our governmental departments!!! (and of course, MMM has their Big Buddies, as well.)

Let's send a message to the administration to pay attention to We the People and not to We the Profiteers over People at any cost!!!

98 Organizations Oppose Obama's Monsanto Man, Islam Siddiqui, for US Agricultural Trade Representative


05 February 2010


DISCURSO DE MIKE PRYSNER indicando quienes son el enemigo verdadero de su pais.
Our real enemy is not the ones living in a distant land whose names or policies we don't understand; The real enemy is a system that wages war when it's profitable, the CEOs who lay us off our jobs when it's profitable, the Insurance Companies who deny us Health care when it's profitable, the Banks who take away our homes when it's profitable. Our enemies are not several hundred thousands away. They are right here in front of us
- Mike Prysner
( reasoned discussion only, thanks.)

04 February 2010

30 January 2010

Thank You, Howard Zinn -- Signs of the Times News

Thank You, Howard Zinn -- Signs of the Times News: "http://www.sott.net/articles/show/202130-Thank-You-Howard-Zinn"

"To be hopeful in bad times is not just foolishly romantic. It is based on the fact that human history is a history not only of cruelty, but also of compassion, sacrifice, courage, kindness. What we choose to emphasize in this complex history will determine our lives. If we see only the worst, it destroys our capacity to do something. If we remember those times and places - and there are so many - where people have behaved magnificently, this gives us the energy to act, and at least the possibility of sending this spinning top of a world in a different direction. And if we do act, in however small a way, we don't have to wait for some grand utopian future. The future is an infinite succession of presents, and to live now as we think human beings should live, in defiance of all that is bad around us, is itself a marvelous victory."

Scorpions - Wind of Change - Red Square Moscow 2003

The Future is Now.

We are the Ones We've been waiting for.

Peace. Oneness. Rock. Let's Dance.

13 January 2010

Andrew Harvey on Rumi Returning

Andrew Harvey is the author of The Hope (http://www.sacredactivism.org) - Fascinating fellow, with and clear idea of - like Humanity's Team says: We are all One - now let's practice being it.

Peace. Stand up. We are all One.

09 January 2010

David Icke on Aspartame - this is worthwhile watching

Staggering stuff, this. But the info is out there. You just have to do the research...Your research.

And, everywere you find something dark, dasterdly, and devious - there you find Donald Rumsfeld.

Wonder what he's doing now...?

01 January 2010

NOAM CHOMSKY: "Gaza: One Year Later"

Amy Goodman - the closest thing to a hero I know, if I had heroes - talks for one minute about supporting DemocracyNow! - a grand idea if you're able, and you want to see independent media continue to buck the existing managed, manipulated, manufactured stuff that passes for news in our 2010/1984ish world.

Then, Chomsky speaks. This is a worthwhile listen (it's 46 minutes long) and I share it with the intent of a reasoned discussion. As always, my guidelines are: 1/ If you have to swear to make your point, then you have already lost the argument; 2/ If you plan on being hateful, or love hurling vitriolic epithets about, then consider going to another blog. There are plenty out there where you can do that and I wish you blessings; 3/ My blog(s) is about awareness and co-creating the reality that We are all One - and practicing. Look around: even in our own families, sometimes practicing the reality of Oneness can take lots of practice.

But, to allow ourselves to be mired in unawareness and listen like sheep to those who spew Hate, Fear, and PermaWar for the sake of Power Over, or Profit Over - is not only Insanity, but goes against Who We really are as a human species.

Peace. This is the Year to begin being it.

NOAM CHOMSKY: "Gaza: One Year Later"