24 June 2010

Pelosi: 'What did middle-class families ever do to Republicans in the Senate?' - TheHill.com


Are YOU unemployed?

If you are, then I suggest you go to your representatives' and senators' websites and find out how they voted

on Extending Unemployment Benefits for the Everyday We the People (that's us, remember?)

If HE/SHE voted AGAINST EXTENDING YOUR BENEFITS (whilst they continue to function just a-okay)

YOU get to vote them out of office in November, or their next election cycle.

"Brother, he couldn't spare a dime..."

P.S. If your memory is shorter than some, write it down and post it on the fridge...or whatever place you always
know you're going to look...the mirror? :-)

Pelosi: 'What did middle-class families ever do to Republicans in the Senate?' - TheHill.com

Blessings & Belly Laughs...and standing up.together.we are ALL ONE. Somos Uno.

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