06 September 2010

Silenced Majority Portal: Boycott Koch Industries Products - Climate Deniers & Tea Party Backers

Need I say more??? The Kochs are the ones bankrolling the Tea Party. Products sold by these guys
are listed in this block. Please re-post as you care to - blessings!

Stand up.
We are all One.
Todos Somos Uno.

Silenced Majority Portal: Boycott Koch Industries Products - Climate Deniers & Tea Party Backers

04 September 2010

One Love | Playing For Change | Song Around the World


Look in my eyes and see you, and the God or Force of your own Understanding.
Then we shall not be able to kill or hurt one another.

Stand up.
Be Aware.
Reach out................ my hand is outstretched as well.

We are all One. Todos Somos Uno. What a lovely song we can sing

(oh and oh man, my man, Keb Mo' is in this!)