03 August 2011

VIDEO: GOP Presidential Campaign Town Halls Become Lobbyist Theater As Oil Industry Front Group Plants Questions

Oil Corporations fiddle, fiddle around, tweak the debate, create MORE FRONT GROUPS... and all the while the Grim Reaper that is the end of the Oil Age waits to be acknowledged; or planned against/for; or see any citizen (we are NOT consumers, honest, we are 'citizens') give a toss about what they're going to do about it, and its partners, Climate Change, Water, and Nuclear (a shout-out to Tennessee - a state with a glow-on.)

VIDEO: GOP Presidential Campaign Town Halls Become Lobbyist Theater As Oil Industry Front Group Plants Questions: "pThinkProgress and the Des Moines Register have reported on the Iowa Energy Forum, a new oil industry front group designed to manipulate the GOP presidential primary. The group, financed by some of the world’s largest oil companies, sends activists to GOP primary events in Iowa to ask candidates about oil industry priorities, like building the [...]/p"

02 August 2011

"This is a New Day" "Este es un nuevo día"

Uno de mis favoritos - descanses en paz, Facundo.

One of my favorites - rest in peace, Facundo. "This is a New Day"